No matter the size of the company or the industry they are in, my conversations always boil down to them wanting more leads from their industrial marketing. Yet I see very few of these companies with a lead nurturing strategy in place to convert leads into sales opportunities. As a result, online leads sit untouched or go without a response for weeks if not months.
Often I see marketing people from manufacturing and industrial companies hand off leads to sales with little to no qualifying. This only causes more frustrations and reinforces the long-standing belief by sales that “Marketing generates crappy leads.”
It is important to understand the differences between a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL), a Sales Accepted Lead (SAL) and a Sales Qualified Lead (SQL). (See my post, “SAL is the Glue that Binds Sales and Marketing in Lead Generation.”)
Here are some eye-opening statistics from a study done by MarketingSherpa:
Two more stats from different sources to drive home my point:
(Visit HubSpot for more marketing statistics).
I have seen some companies do lead nurturing sporadically but that is not going to produce consistent results. Many industrial companies want their lead generation to be a quick three-step process – 1) Site visitors, 2) Fill out form and 3) Speak with a sales person.
That’s an unrealistic expectation in complex industrial sales where buying decisions are made by at least two sets of buyers – the technical buyer and the functional buyer. They have different needs and the functional buyer may never visit your site.
Often I hear these companies complain that they want their online visitors/leads to speak to their sales people who can explain everything but their sales people are having a difficult time getting in front of decision makers.
The solution to the problem is to develop a good lead nurturing strategy, execute it and track it consistently. Many of the steps can be easily automated by using marketing automation technology but the final steps will require a human touch by an in-house expert such as an Application Engineer.
It has been my experience that it is difficult to consistently generate high quality industrial leads without a good lead nurturing strategy. This strategy must be developed together by both Sales and Marketing. For more on this, read the following posts:
Do you have a structured lead nurturing process in place for industrial lead generation?
Let’s chat to determine if this will be a good fit for both of us. It will be a friendly conversation to get to know each other better, not a high-pressure sales pitch.
JP Storm says:
Great article. This confirms something I’ve been thinking about for a while.
Kimmo Linkama says:
Concerning this sentence “buying decisions are made by at least two sets of buyers – the technical buyer and the functional buyer” (although you are mentioning that there are “at least” two sets of buyers), how does the financial department figure in?
That’s where the two purchasing guys eventually need to go to get the money.
From the vendor company’s side, what if their lead scoring criteria are too strict? Maybe based on unrealistic market expectations. Do you think industrial vendors’ mindset is too much focused on buyers yearning for their product instead of convincing reluctant buyers to make the purchase decision?
The whole idea of lead scoring seems to point that way.