Compiling any kind of list is always risky because we all have our own preferences and there is no way someone else’s list can satisfy everyone. This is my list of “must-have” content assets that I advise my clients to add to their industrial Websites. It is definitely a two-way street; my industrial clients also often request many of these same content assets.
The usual content marketing assets such as product data sheets, application notes, case studies, whitepapers and blog posts are a given and expected if you want your website to be found in search engines (SEO) and engage your target audience of engineers and industrial buyers. Take a look at my post, “Content Auditing and Mapping it to the Industrial Buy Cycle” for more on how and when to use these content assets.
Must-have content assets that persuade industrial buyers to take action
What I’ve listed above will move your site visitors closer to the procurement stage (RFQ) of the industrial buy cycle.
I have deliberately left out one content asset from my list because it deserves its own listing/mention and that is engineering related videos. I consider video marketing to be part of content marketing. Videos when done right are very effective at quickly communicating complex ideas, techniques and concepts to engineers.
John Hayes, President of has authored a very informative eBook called Video Marketing for Engineers. This chart from his eBook should convince you of the usefulness of videos for marketing to engineers. (You can download the eBook from here)
What is the most common mistake that industrial marketers make when using videos? John said it better than I can…
“The biggest and most common mistake we see in video marketing is hoping one video will do everything. Engineers don’t ‘see, click, buy’ on the Internet. Instead, they ‘investigate, consider alternatives, specify.’”
What other industrial content marketing assets have you used successfully?
Let’s chat to determine if this will be a good fit for both of us. It will be a friendly conversation to get to know each other better, not a high-pressure sales pitch.
John Hayes says:
Hi Achinta,
I agree that these are the must-have content assets. Where would you place things like blog posts, case studies and white papers?
Danielle says:
Hi Achinta,
If you had to choose 4 or 5 of these that are most important, which would they be?
Thank you for your insight!