B2B Industrial Marketing Agency – Tiecas

Industrial Marketing Blog

Industrial Blogs and Their Benefits-Challenge Duality

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Blogging is proving to be just as as paradoxical for industrial companies as the wave–particle duality in quantum physics. Manufacturers, industrial distributors and engineering companies that I talk to do understand the benefits of using a blog as the hub of their inbound marketing strategy for SEO, lead generation, thought leadership and branding. However, they are struggling with the challenge of creating engaging content for their industrial blogs.

It is difficult for these companies to shift their mindset to think like “publishers” when their entire library of content is strictly product-focused. Industrial distributors find it even more challenging to come up with their own content when traditionally they have depended on the manufacturers they represent to supply them with all the marketing content.

The problem of creating content and blogging is not limited to industrial companies. General B2B marketers are struggling too. This chart published by MeraketingSherpa illustrates my point.

SEO tactics vary widely in degree of execution difficulty

How does one solve this industrial blogging duality? Here are some suggestions:

  • Turn FAQ questions and answers into blog posts
  • Create a series of “how-to” articles that solve real-world problems
  • Pull key points out of Product Selection Guides and make them into short blog posts
  • Provide synopsis of technical articles. Invite people to download the entire article or white paper (Lead generation)
  • Industrial distributors can create videos of “DiY” repair jobs using parts and components that they stock
  • Write a series of blog posts explaining new technology or applications in different industries
  • Invite customers to post their experiences using your products (Be prepared for the good, bad and the ugly)
  • Highlight customer applications under their own operating conditions
  • Write about unusual, unique or off-the-menu applications of your products
  • Post about a special challenge that you were asked to solve by a customer
  • Write blog posts about your own internal test results (as long as you are not giving away trade secrets)
  • Ask your design engineers to talk about their experiences during product development
  • Post unbiased product reviews (Distributors)
  • Announce product introductions, expansion of available sizes, options and values
  • Announce upcoming trade shows and events where you plan to be present
  • Report on your personal experiences and observations at a recent trade show
  • Summarize your predictions and perspectives on industry trends
  • Create short polls and surveys for your blog readers
  • Write about your company’s involvement in community programs
  • Write about awards and recognitions by the company and/or its employees

I think you get the point. Creating content for industrial blogging doesn’t have to be such a big challenge. I am curious to hear about how you come up with ideas for your own blog. How often do you post new content?

Need help creating your own inbound content marketing hub? You may want to check out my company’s industrial blog set up and content creation service.

Achinta Mitra

Achinta Mitra calls himself a “marketing engineer” because he combines his engineering education and an MBA with 35+ years of practical manufacturing and industrial marketing experience. You want an expert with an insider’s knowledge and an outsider’s objectivity who can point you in the right direction immediately. That's Achinta. He is the Founder of Tiecas, Inc., a manufacturing marketing agency in Houston, Texas. Read Achinta's story here.
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  1. Having a blog today is essential like it says on the post however I will have to say through being in the industry less then 5% of industrial companies partake in active blogging campaigns.

  2. They are many ways to obtain the best industrial providers nowadays it has been proven in bloggers because they give us the online space to make any kind of blog nice article thanks for the information

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